Virtual reality

Virtual reality (VR) is a computer technology that uses virtual reality or multi-projected environments, sometimes in combination with physical environments or props, to generate realistic images, sounds and other sensations that stimulate a user's physical presence in a virtual or imaginary environment. A person using virtual reality equipment is able to "look around" the artificial... Continue Reading →

Get familiar with Micro:Bit

This is the first time that I heard of Micro:Bit. The first thing I did was watching a tutorial video which was very helpful to me, that's why I share it here: In the beginning it was a bit searching how to work with Micro:Bit but as soon as we spend some time we... Continue Reading →

Classroom Hardware and Software

Digital Book We made our own digital book by using Book Creator. We choose for the topic 'Document Camera'. In this book we explain the features of Document Camera and the possibilities to use it in the classroom. In the classroom we have a document camera SDC 330, so we were able to try it out.... Continue Reading →

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